Mumbai, Sept 10 (IBNS) Bollywood hunk Salman Khan has a new diehard fan. And this time its an actress! The gorgeous Mandana Karimi, who is set to make her debut in Bollywood with Vikram Bhatt's Bhaag Johnny, is super-charmed by Sallu's superbrand Being Human.
"She's keen to find out how she can be associated with Salman's noble cause in some way or the other," said her publicist Dale Bhagwagar.
"All she wants is to reach out and help people grow in their endeavours and be their best. She's a good soul and thus identifies with Being Human," Bhagwagar added.
But why the special interest in Salman's brand? "It's not about Salman; it's about the cause he's been working for. See, Mandana hails from Iran and has seen a lot of conflict and emotional upheavals while growing up," said her publicist.
"That's a huge reason why being human comes above everything else in her life," he said.
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