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Sunday 20 October 2013

Side Effects of PlayStation: Divorce

Side Effects of PlayStation: Divorce

By: May Rostom

I was talking to my friend Dina and she told me that she noticed how Playstation occupies like 50% of the average Joe's time. I knew there was a bit of truth in that sentence but still couldn't put my hand on the facts and figures.

I went around asking a couple of friends of what they thought of the issue and I was shocked to find out that almost every girl I asked held some sort of grudge towards this console.

One girl spoke about a situation where she woke up at 10:00 A.M to the cursing of her angry brother (where she thought he was fighting with his girlfriend over the phone) and walked in on him screaming at the TV as he played "Call of Duty".

Being a normal 20 something girl she couldn't understand what ticked him off this much (after all it's just a game).

She took a shower, had breakfast and left for work while he sat there on the couch playing (to be fair it was his day-off from work).

She finished work at 5:00 P.M  went to the hairdresser, fixed what ever she wanted to fix then returned home to find her brother with six of his friends stuck in front of the TV. She then said 'I can't believe you haven't moved since 10:00 A.M!!!' 

So in his defense he replied 'who said I didn't move? I went to the bathroom twice!'.

Pissed from the fact that he did nothing all day but sit on his derriere and hogged the TV, she went to her room, had lunch and slept for an hour.

It was already 8:00 P.M so she started dressing up to hang out with friends and as she left, she took a glance at the living room to find that her brother's six friends were now ten , her brother in a changed seating position and at least  15 cans of Pepsi thrown all around the place.

As she told me this story we both giggled on the fact that guys can be fascinated with a video game for up to 10 hours but can't be amused by their girlfriends for a couple of hours tops (if she's super funny and he's super drunk).

I wonder if girls appear amused by shopping to guys to this extent.

I don't think I can ever go on a 10 hour shopping spree and trust me I'm a shopaholic (the longest time I've spent shopping was 8 hours). 

I was curious to know if anyone else felt this way towards Playstation, Xbox or Wii so I went around asking more friends.

One girl told me that ever since she got it as a birthday gift for her husband, he always has friends over and she can't feel free around her own house and that one time she had to un-plug it and turn off the lights so they'd leave (cruel!).

Another told me her boyfriend missed an exam because he was up all night playing and couldn't wake up the next day.

The funniest story told was this girl whose boyfriend would drop her off early everyday so he could meet up with his friends to play some Wii (should we even consider this cheating? As if we need more competition).

As the stories went on and on, I found out that almost a year ago Scottish tennis star 'Andy Murray' had broken up with his girlfriend of four years over video games! She wanted more out of the relationship and he was just hung up on his games, playing at least 7 hours daily, he couldn't give her the attention that she needed.

I was amused at this point and couldn't help but Google everything about the matter.

I found a poll named 'which would you rather have, girlfriend or PS3?' and some of the answers were:

1. A girlfriend. I always prefer something that's compatible with the technology I've already got.

2. Playstation 3 won't complain about anything, but good luck having babies with it.

3. PlayStation. They have longer guarantees.

4. Your Playstation will always be loyal to you.

5. At least you know where your PS is at all times

6. You can understand how your PS works but you'll never understand how a woman does

7. PS allows murder, auto-theft and speeding but girlfriends don't.

8. PS has more memory than a girlfriend could ever have

9. PS won't complain of headaches and can stay up all night while your girlfriend can't

10. Girlfriends can cook but PS can't

11. Girlfriends listen to your stories AND respond but your PS doesn't

12.  PS can be switched off but your girlfriend can't

13. PS allows you to play with her competitors but you girlfriend won't

14. Girlfriends hold your hand and take care of you but your PS controller gives you sores

15. PS doesn't accessorize that much

16. Up to four people can play with it at the same time

After laughing at these comments, I ran across a video which just proved Dina right and opened my eyes widely.

A couple of years ago an Asian girl video-taped herself complaining about her boyfriend and how he does nothing all day but sit on the couch and plays with this so called by many 'boyfriend snatcher'.

After she was done complaining, she put her camera down and SMASHED his PS into pieces. She started yelling things like why don't you go get a job and pay the bills for a change. I was amused by her reaction (although felt a little bit fake for a second there) and was startled by his (not what I expected at all, I would've definitely shot her).

I can kind of relate how guys can be hooked on something so silly like that , us girls sit for hours in front of the TV watching a fashion show or some 'how to' program and get really pissed when our guys change the channel or even suggest it.

I think we need to cut them some slack; I'd rather have him play Wii than play 'doctor and nurse'.

Girls need to look at this situation from a guys point of view where playing involves challenge, competing, wanting to win, addiction to the game, happiness (when you reach the following level) and depression (when the game's over).

But on the other hand guys shouldn't get too attached to their video games, they should know that it's all un-real and once you pull the plug it ends.

Playing with your video games won't get you a job, won't pay your bills and definitely won't help you in your relationship.

If I were a boy (mm I sound like Beyonce') I would pick a girlfriend that owns a Playstation ,this way I know she already likes it and she'd be willing to play with me in our free time. Game over!


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